BeePlus 2016

BeePlus in 2016.

We still have some of the original packs from 2012, containing an example of the teacher's manual and the child's workbook, along with the CD containing all the information you need.  These are available if there are any schools or other groups that would like to be involved in the project.

Fareham View, the local paper for one Director of P2N, offered a Community Cashpot of £250 for any locally based organisations that applied.  Before Christmas an application went in, saying:

"Our first project, BeePlus 2011, raised awareness amongst primary school children about the decline in the honey bee population.  One local participant was Oak Meadow School, who invited a beekeeper to visit as well as using our teachers’ manual.  A cashpot of £250 could sponsor the production of enough extra educational materials (manuals and CDs) to extend this to many more primary schools in the Fareham View area."

In January we were notified of our success, and the cheque for £250 is on it's way.  We have also started to check through the manuals and suggest amendments, to update what has happened about bees and the awareness of the link with pesticides etc.  We hope to have updated materials ready for the summer term, and will distribute these to primary schools in the Fareham area.

The picture shows the 2012 materials, including the great artwork provided by Rowse Honey Ltd.  Whilst they are no longer part of the project, their input needs to be acknowledged.  And another big change is of course our registration as Phoenix2 Network CIC, rather than being the pilot club Soroptimist International Virtual One - we will be changing the logo accordingly!