BeePlus 2011

The project was designed to raise awareness amongst primary school children, about the decline in the honey bee population.  In the first year of this project, during the summer of 2011, there were 10,000 children who took part.  The project will be taken forward in 2012, at a reduced level.

For BeePlus 2011, our thanks go to:

  • The British Beekeepers Association who provided the original educational material;
  • Rowse Honey Ltd for their sponsorship which enabled the design and publishing of the teacher resource books and CD, the children's workbooks and the goody bags, which were given to 10,000 children;
  • Members of Soroptimist International of Great Britain and Ireland for recruiting and supporting schools;
  • Mr Bill Turnbull for his support and foreword in the workbooks;
  • And last but not least, the children and teachers who took part: your enthusiasm and creativity were an inspiration!
Thank You

The feedback from those participating groups was collated into a report, the text of which is attached here:
BeePlus 2011 Feedback Report.pdf BeePlus 2011 Feedback Report.pdf
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Type : pdf